All-In-One is a specially developed mix of trace elements that guarantees optimal growth and feed for corals.
All-In-One ensures a magnificent polyp display, more intense colours as well as improved vitality of your corals. The work required to care for a saltwater aquarium is reduced to a minimum.
All-In-One contains all essential trace elements, minerals, vitamins and amino acids in a perfectly coordinated ratio:
- Calcium
- Iodine/Bromide
- Iron/thiamine B-1
- Strontium & Molybdenum
- Over 70 different micro- and macro-nutrients
- Over 35 different vitamins and amino acids
- Protein skimmer, ozonizers and coal and zeolite filters can reduce the number of important trace elements such as calcium, strontium, molybdenum, iodine, iron, vitamins and amino acids!
- Check your water values regulary
- Regular Care
- 1-2 per week 5 ml per 100 Liter of tankwater
- Densely populated tanks
- daily dosage possible
- Available sizes All-In-One
- 236 ml (8 oz.)
- 473 ml (16 oz.)
- 1,89 l (64 oz.)
- 3,79 l (1 gal.)
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